This is a LONG over due post. Not even sure if anyone will see it. It has been a crazy year of life changes for me. When I started this blog I was in the middle of raising 5 teenagers and now my youngest will be 22 in Sept. Wow, Where has the time gone?
My love of miniatures started when my oldest daughter Hannah was just a baby and now she is 25. Hannah will be getting married in Sept. and then will come the grand babies. So much to look forward to right!? Yes!
But along with the good stuff comes some not so good stuff too! My marriage is ending! I'm on my own again. Very scary. I have spent a lot of time soul searching. Really getting in touch with myself again. The things I love. With my confidence gone I move forward…….
My miniatures have been a hobby and that special thing I did just for me. Really has been the one thing, besides being a mother that I felt good at. Worried that now I would have to give them up, I started to look for work. What am I going to do? I've been a stay at home mom of 5 for over 25 years. I made miniatures to sell very part time to pay for things when we needed some extra. Could I do them now and make a living? I tried for a couple jobs and nothing. What about my minis? How will I know if I never try? I decided to try and see what happens. I will be okay. I've been a good person. I don't want a lot. I just want to be able to make it…… By making it ….. a roof over my head, a car to drive, food to eat and enough money to pay my bills. Simple….. life is not about having lots of things, its about enjoying and being grateful for what you do have. I make things with my 2 hands. I love making minis. The challenge to make something that makes someone ask "is that real or mini"? Best feeling in the world.
I'm still very scared. I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I know I will welcome it. Good or bad. I'm happy with myself for going with my heart and trying something that I have no idea will work. Life is too short to not try! Most people think I'm crazy for not going after "a real job". A real job? This is a real job and a lot of work. This is what I know how to do. I need to do this!
My etsy shop never has much in it but it's not because I'm not working hard. I'm working every day and even in the evening too. I try to put 1 to 3 listings in the shop a day. My things sell quickly and for that I'm so very grateful. I will always try for more but it is only me. I have to do everything by myself and thats okay. I take special requests too and those keep me busy too! I will do my best to keep the blog going with pictures of whats new and available. There is a link to my esty shop if you ever see something you like. But just come by to be inspired and enjoy minis like we all always have. This is just a little update…. a place to start.
You have to know that you are good enough and worth it. Believe me I know its scary. Once you believe in yourself no one can steal that love from you.
If you found your way here and read this …..Thank you! Till next time!
Mini hugs and love!

Good Morning Kim,
It must have been difficult to write this post. Now it is done and you can begin to accept the new direction your life is taking. I wish you well. I am sure your creative talent coupled with your energy and good spirit will take you far.
regards Janine
I wish you all the best in the future <3
I wish you all the best Kim!
You do wonderful things and Im happy that you have the courage to do the things you love in life for a living!
All my love to you❤️
sorry you have to go that fear, but fortunately not alone! we are here and we support you! I believe in you, in your great work, and you can turn the page and move on, somo women fighters and love is our motor. love of children for life, work and love of art .... everything! Later, Kim, you're strong and valuable, you can !!
I encourage!
A big hugs!
Dear Kim, I wish you all the best
I experienced the ending of a marriagge and I know it's tough but I also know that you'll be more serene at the end, if not happier.
I wish you all the best for your job, because I know that's a REAL job, hard and difficult, mostly if someone painstakingly looks for perfection like you do.
A big hug and love, Rosanna
Wishing you all the best in the challenges that face you. I applaud your determination and hope you are very successful!
Hi Kim
So many changes for you... But you seem to have a great attitude, and good for you to steer yourself in the direction of your minis. I have a a change of direction in my life too, and have also started to sell my miniatures online. But I am really only getting things going. I wish you all the best for the future!
All the best and take care.
Kim, you are such a capable, sweet, loving and talented lady. I believe you are going to exceed your goals because you have the right mindset! You are braver than you think and a wonderful inspiration! You are in my heart, thoughts and prayers dear friend! New beginnings lead to Wonderful experiences! (((Huge Hugs))) ~ Tracy
Dear Kim, you are so brave. Because you are writing this post, And also because you are going to make miniature making your job. I'm sure that you are going to be successful, AND I wish you the best.
Hugs, Candy:)
Dear Kim , I am so sorry to hear you are going through such a hard time, but you are a strong and talented woman and I believe you are making a good choice , your miniatures are incredible amazing . Big hug from Frederica
Wishing you all the very best on your new path. Life is tough but we just keep on keeping on. God bless you.
Hello Kim, I was just thinking of you the other day....happy to see you back!
I wish you well with this new chapter of your life and hope you find a job you love.....and one that pays the bills.....oh those horrid bills!!!!
I now have THREE grand children.....they are wonderful...(but very time consuming, in a very good way). I hope you find time to stay with us on your blog, I look forward to seeing your work again!
Wishing you all the very best!!!!
Linda x
Good luck Kim. I am sure you will do well with your venture. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, not just mini people but others in business, family, and friends. Do courses, work hard and just keep going. You'll get there!
Good luck to you Kim!!
Being divorced myself, I recognise a lot in your post, albeit that every divorce is different.
Be aware that being a stay at home Mum takes a lot of creativity and capacities you can put to work in every situation.
You'll get there. I did, and along with me sooo many others, we are a growing community ;). Don't doubt yourself, have trust in yourself, you'll see you are capable of handling much more han you could ever imagine!
I was so sorry to read about the change in your life. All my best wishes for your new life and new venture! i sincerely hope you will be able to achieve what you wish.
I love your minis and wish you nothing but the best Kim!! Keep believing in your self :)
Hi Kim, Your miniatures are staggeringly gorgeous, and I know when you put your mind to something you can definitely achieve it. Congrats on going for it! xo Jennifer
Sabes lo que quieres y además sabes hacerlo. ¡Ánimo, ya verás como lo consigues!
Wishing you all the best in your new life.
Surround yourself with things that are beautiful and people that are beautiful Kim. I am glad you have the belief in yourself to have a go at making a living from your miniatures. Your work is exquisite. Things in my life are not the best at the moment but I keep trying to find the positive in everything and just keep moving forward one step at a time even though sometimes difficult decisions have to be made and the emotions are stretched to the brink. I look forward to following your blog entries again. Welcome back.
Bonjour Kim,aujourd'hui, vous êtes devant des pages blanches, vous allez réécrire votre vie. Ce n'est pas simple, mais vous allez y parvenir (j'ai connu cette situation il y a 23 ans).
Vous êtes une miniaturiste talentueuse. Bon courage !
Bisous. Joce
I wish you all the best too, Kim! Happy to see you back in the blogosphere...
You'll be okay, Kim! The best of luck to you. You are a very talented artist!
Best of luck on your new beginnings and go you for choosing to do what you love! My kids are babies right now and I hope when they have grown up I will be able to make my miniatures into some actual profit. I am just practicing until then! Everything you make is beautiful and your experience in the field shows in the details! -ara
Dear Kim....after being absent from blog-reading for absolutely ages, today I looked in and the first blog post I read was yours. It must have been meant to be. I am so sorry to hear that you have had such a difficult time and I wish you all the best .... you will certainly be successful with your miniatures because everyone just loves them!!! The things I have that you have made are very precious to me. Thinking of you and hoping that things get better and better for you every day! xxx
Dear Kim
I read your blog post today regarding the changes in your life and must say, since I have been through it myself, you will be a stronger woman and I encourage you to keep the faith in yourself. You are so talented, it makes sense that you cannot imagine yourself doing anything else! Have you thought of doing online classes or tutorials? I know I would love to know how to make your adorable mini campers. I want to make one for my granddaughter (one for myself too hehe). You will be very successful and your strength & determination will flourish each day as you grow in this new chapter of your life. You can do this!!
Hugs to you
Dayna M.
Dear Kim, doing high quality miniatures the way you do, it's a real job and what you love doing, when you love what you do; making a living comes alone.
When I got into the mini food world, your flickr account was the 1st one I found about it, and I was like OMG! she's incredible! ... your magic is there, in your hands ;).
A new path is in front of you, don't be afraid of walking it, you're going to be very well.
Huge hugs darling,
Angelina (from El Arte de Angelina)
It's very hard to share something so personal! So first off you are very brave to do that. And it makes you realize you are not alone. Many many women in this same position! Your miniatures are awesome and I'm sure you will be able to make a living doing what you love!!!! I wish you the very very best!
oh dear kim, i am so sorry to hear about it. i just want you to know that(if u are reading) you have inspired me to make miniatures 5 years ago when i was 13 and now due to this hobby, i have found my own passion on architecture. i used to be a super reserved, self doubt kid but now feeling great because making minis just make me feel amazingly happy! anyway, i just want you to know that you have inspired and encourage a lot of people in this world. i am so sure that you will get over the obstacles ahead! wish you the best, cheily
Hi Kim! People survive divorce, but you are right in that it IS an unstable time. There is usually a lot of sadness, fear, anger and uncertainty involved especially when it comes to trying to decide things for yourself.
Although I know that emotion is probably weighing you down, I am confident that you are able to move through it and once you do, it will get easier and easier to keep on moving forward.
I wish for you, a heart filled with God's comfort.
I'm so glad you're back! I've missed you so much! When I see your mini creations I get lost in them. You are so talented and creative! This will make you stronger on the other side but it's scary all the same. At least you have your wonderful minis to help you move forward! You have lots of "friends" who love your work.
I am praying for you and wish you all the best!
As we all know, when one door closes, another one opens. Have strong faith that what you are doing already is perfect and will bring you the income you need. God/Universe will ALWAYS make sure you have what you need. Do not be afraid to ask for more. God/Universe WANTS us to have more, be more, do more. When we see that everything is perfect just as it is, and when we have complete gratitude for what we have now, it opens the door for more. Being uncomfortable always brings us more growth and before you know it, we have arrived! Keep the faith in what you do Kim and all will be revealed. Never doubt yourself!!!! Perhaps think of other ways that you an gift your miniature business to others. Perhaps classes, community, exposing the younger generation to miniatures, there are so many avenues!!!! YOU WILL BE JUST FINE!!!!! Lesa Fox
I'm sorry to hear this. I know your shop will do great!
Wish you the best :) Take care ,everything will be ok :)
Hugs from Sol
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