Creating a beautiful life one mini at a time..........
Friday, June 26, 2009
Okay....Here is what I'd like you to do....
Okay here is the prize! I hope you all like it. I had fun making it. Well now this is what I would like anyone who wants the chance to win this to do. All you have to do is leave me a comment with your name, blog name and something in your life you are grateful for! Thats it. I will leave this up for 2 days to give many a chance to see it. Then I will take your names and put them in a hat and my lovely daughter Emily will pick a winner. There isn't that easy? Please even if its your first time to my blog feel free to join the fun it is for everybody. Don't be shy.
Thanks again for all the kindness you have shown me here. I enjoy sharing this hobby that not everyone understands with all you nice people. Mini hugs! Oh and Good luck!
Hi! My name is Melanye and my blog's name is "less apathy.more cake" I am grateful for my dog, Bebe. She really makes everyday a little more special :)
Good luck everyone! What a fantastic giveaway prize :)
Hi Kim. It's me, Tabitha Corsica (aka Susan). I am thankful for the opportunities I have been given in life. Often, they are things I take for granted until I meet someone who has not been so fortunate. Thank you, Kim, for reminding me to look at how lucky I am today. It is a reflection I need to make more frequently.
Hi! So nice prize and your blog is so lovely! My name is Lissu. I have many dollhouseblogs, but here is one: I am grateful for my lovely family <3
Hello Kim ! My name is Soazig and I'm from France. My blog's name is "Les Vents Du Monde". There's nothing original about that but I'm grateful for my five children (I noticed it's something very important we have in common).
Hi Kim, I am Rosanna from "la stanza di". I am grateful for being alive, for having wonderful, caring people around me and for doing a job which I love.Your hutch is a real beauty. Hugs
Kim~ Such a lovely prize you are giving away! I would love a chance to win. My blog is ~Wish on a Whisker. I am very grateful for my health, my husband, and my kitties. I love my home, too! Thank you for putting my name in the hat! Have a nice weekend! ~Mandy
Hi Kim, I am Casey of Casey's Minis. I am greatful for all of the wonderful friends that Tessie and I have made through blogging. It goes without saying that I am greatful for other friends and family. Your prize is beautiful!
I was not online for some time as other activities which had priority. Tonight I had time again to watch your beautiful blog and what do I see, Your giving a beautiful prize, so I am thankful for having a chance to win. Congratulations Kim with over the 200 followers!
My name is marlies my blog is
Hi Kim, firstly I must say, How could you possibly part with such a BEAUTIFUL piece??? I cannot begin to understand how you make the wonderful cakes etc...fabulous! mane is Linda from "Une Petite Folie"
I am so greatful that my family are all healthy....not too worried about the wealthy and wise....just health!!
Hi Kim, what an awesome thing you are doing. I'm Lindsey :-) I have a couple blogs, and I'm sad to say I haven't updated them in awhile :-( but my main one is I am very grateful to have my home, my job, my health and my family. It's funny how work can stress me out but I have to remember how much good I have. There are so many who have nothing. Hope you have a great day! Hugs, Lindsey
Hi! I'm Paloma (one of yours 200 followers... haha) from Spain. First all ¡¡fabulous prize!!, I like your work....
I'm very grateful for my wonderful family: I'm sure that without them my life wouldnt't be so fortunate.
Oh my! What a great giveaway! Congratulations on your 200 post. Count me in. :) I am Glenda, my blog name is Dab of This and That. What am I grateful for? Many things - good health, family, etc., etc.
Hey, you don't mess around with the giveaways. That one is spectacular. Well it's me Jen from over at Jemjoop blog. I'm grateful that my family is fairly healthy and that we have a roof over our heads. This economy is so hard on people at the moment.
I am eternally grateful for having the time and resources to pursue miniaturing. Crafting has been such a blessing to my life and a creative distraction from a health problem. I'm aware not everyone is fortunate enough to have either the leisure or resources to do minis or another form of craft while wishing that they could. My heart goes out to them.
Hi Kim! WOW!! You are so kind and generous! What a lovely cabinet filled with yummy goodies! Someone is going to be very happy!
I'm grateful for so many things, but one of them is the wonderful friends I've made here in blog world . . . you know who you are!! LOL!! Oh, and I must mention I'm grateful for my new miniature 'Pippi Longstocking' doll . . . she's so darn cute!
Hi Kim It's gorgeous and I want to try for it :) My name is Lori and my blog was "oh mini of mine" (but is now waiting to be redone) and I am so grateful that I am getting to keep my daughter longer than the doctors expected :D
Hi Kim! I came across your blog and discovered what a "blog" was. It's such a beautiful one too! It inspired me to get back into my miniatures and make my own blog. Nothing on it yet. But, there will be soon! My name is Jonna "rudoo" my blog is Thank you!
Hi Kim. My name is Deana of Delightful Minis. Congratulations on 200 followers.I am thankful for many things -my faith, family and friends. I am especially thankful to have met so many wonderful mini friends since I started blogging.
Hi, Kim. My name is Mei Ling from Mei Ling's Dollhouse & Miniature. I'm grateful for being found my ability on making lovely dollhouse & miniature and meet lot of great artisan from many other countries.
My name is Sara Mendez, and my blog is Sara's Mini Creations and I'm grateful that my boyfriend is into model trains! We both understand each others' obsession!
Hi Kim. I am Doreen from Doreen's Miniatures and Memoires and I am so thankful that my husband is still with me to enjoy our retirement in our lovely home beside the river. I have waited for retirement for so long and I am loving every minute of it. Especially working on my miniatures.
I'm Susanna and today I am grateful for the fact that it idin't rain as I forgot the laundry out on the line overnight and for haviing to girls that share my passion for minis :D
You can visit me here:
Hi Kim, I am Eva from Soain ( I am grateful for my health (I had some problems in th past) and for having my dearest (son, husband, parents, brothers...) well. I am luckly to have a good job so...I can not complain about my life.
Disculpa que no te escriba en Iglés no sé. Pero igual que yo supongo que utilizarás el traductor. soy dora de miniaturasdora. Me encanta tu blog, opino lo mismo sobre si nos entienden en este mundo de las minis. Precioso el premio que ofreces. Un abrazo Carmen
Morning Kim, just got out of bed and this is the first thing ive done to check your blog and wow what a beautiful give a away!
My name is Kate and you can find us at The Whittakers Miniatures blog. I am gratfeul for so many things, but I have to say the dedicated and powerful love I share with my wonderful husband John,and our 5beautful children, we would be lost without each other. Good luck to all, someone is going to be a very lucky lady ( or gent!!) Have a super weekend Kate
Hi Kim Fabulous give away. My name is Debbie and my blog is:- I'm grateful for the love of my wonderful husband and my two beautiful boys and for the wonderful friends I've made in the blogging world.. Good luck to everyone that enters...xx
Hi Kim,Congratulations on 200 followers. Your giveaway is so beautiful. My name is Jain,my blogspot is giddy kipper dolls and I am grateful for my wonderful family and being able to make the miniatures I do. Good luck everyone! Jain x
My name is Keli, my blog is iseecerulean. I'm grateful for my husband, for the time and effort he's going to put in this week to help me remodel my studio.
I love your work, how nice of you to share with a giveaway. Thank you.
Hi Kim! I love your way of displaying miniature cakes and cookies, so sweet :) My name is Lirael and you can find my blog at There's not much to find yet, but that's gonna change soon. I've only started blogging this week.
What I'm grateful for is my creativity. It gets me through anything, no matter how hard. I've even met my best friend through making miniatures!
Hi Kim! My name is Heather, and I'm more than excited to leave you a comment! =)
I'm thankful for so much- God, family, friends, health. And while those things are MOST important, I wanted to share with you two things that are passionately important to me other than the "most important" things.
First, I'm so thankful to be able to earn a living by my craft. Photography is my voice, my outlet, and my living!
Secondly, I'm so thankful that after YEARS of loving miniatures, I stumbled upon your webshots gallery, and learned that I'm not the only adult woman with a dollhouse and a crazy love for small things. That opened up a whole world of inspiration for me, letting me see that there are TONS of folks out there blogging about how they, too, LOVE minis! And, you've been so sweet to help me come in contact with others.
While I'm still working on my mini blog, here's the address for my photography blog:
Hi Kim! What a fantastic giveaway! My name is Katerina and my blog's name is Small Bakery I am grateful because I am healthy and because all the people that I love are healthy too. Health is the one thing we forget about when we have it and it's the only thing we need when we have lost it..
Hi Kim, This is Donna and my blog name is Never Enough Time. I am most grateful for my two children. What a beautiful display table. i will keep my fingers crossed.
Hi, I'm Melanie and my blog is I love this wonderful bakery set up you did! I am grateful that I can work from home and spend more time with my kids & husband.
I am actually grateful for the opportunity you gave me to stop and reflect on how lucky I am already, even if I don't win your beautiful prize! Thank you :)
I am inspired by your talented work, but I really admire your generous spirit.
Congrats on your 200 followers! I recently came across your blog and find the beauty and accuracy of your work stunning! Good luck to all of us hoping to win this beautiful prize!! My (out of date) blog is moondrive and my name is Kathi. I am grateful for my home and family...I am very blessed indeed!
Hi Kim! :) I follow your photos here and on flickr and it's heaven to see such warmth in gorgeous miniatures.
My name is Kim also and my blog's name is "Fairchildart Dollhouse Miniatures" and I'm grateful for having such warm hearted and supportive friends, family members and boyfriend for being my biggest cheerers for my passion.
Hi Kim! My name is Carla, my blog is This Crazy Life ( I am grateful for #2 son's safe return from Afghanistan and pray for the contiuned safety of #3 son who is Iraq for several more months. Thanks for all you share!
Hello Kim, what a lovely idea ! I'm grateful for my wonderful family and my lovely pets and for all the friends I've made in blogland and just for life in general really, I love every minute ! julie from bellabelle's blog :0)
Hi Kim, I'm Sonya from Rome (Italy). I every day follow your blog because I like your style.It is very near to my life.I make miniatures and I'm working to open my own blog.I have a little girl, Vanessa 9 years old, and we make and collect miniatures togheter. So many compliments for your works! Best Regands from Sunny Italy Sonya
I'm greatful for the way people constantly help one another every day. They smile at you when you are sad, listening to you when you are upset, help you when you are hurt and protect you when you need protecting.
I'm greatful that I can give help and I'm greatful to recieve it.
I can think of so many people who help every day who are working to make this world a better place, it's incredible.
I'm grateful every day for my husband and sons, my two Bostons, Rosie and Gracie, and this wonderful mini hobby that lets me escape the trials and tribulations of adult life and be a child again on a daily basis.
Keep inspiring all of us with your creativity and talents. Mandy Wayman
Hi Kim, My name is Hanna and my blog is miniature chef
I am grateful to have the oportunity to make miniatures, a wonderful hobby! I am also very grateful to have such a nice family, friends and to have find so many talented people in the blogland!
This was a great idea and the display is stunning. Thans for your inspiring blog!
My name is Hanna and my blog is Hanna & Leijona (means Hanna and the lion). I'm most grateful for my wonderful daughter Aava, who is almost 6 now. Another thing I'm really grateful for is miniatures. It's a miracle to find such an amazing thing in life. So good for me.
I love your blog, your cakes and style is just fabulous. Have a fun day!
My name is Sabiha and my blogname is sabs mini interiors.Last augustI broke my back and I'm getting well now,I'm grateful that I can walk again,and take care for my kids!!!
Hi Kim! It's Jill from Little Nest Studio :) I am grateful for so many things right now! Hmmmm...narrow it done, eh? I'm grateful for my blog friends! Love those minis you made! Recieving anything created by you would be a dream come true! Hugs! Jill
This is Ozce from ıstanbul, I must say that you're the best miniature arutist I have ever met. I got hungry when I saw your bakery and kitchen miniatures. Thanks that you share your great work with us in your web site. That inspires me a lot. I2ve started working on miniatures 2 weeks ago but I'm getting better day by day following you:) best regards
My name is Kim.I'm a mom of 5 but only 1 is still at home.I love my family but I also have a thing for 1:12 scale miniatures. I have been collecting and creating for 22 years now and have developed a love for polymer clay.I started playing with it over 3 years ago and can't seem to put it down, I also enjoy the shabby chic style in my miniatures. Miniature shops are my favorite things to create. I have completed many dollhouses, shops, and roomboxes. I enjoy it so much I thought it might be a fun thing to blog about. I hope you enjoy my miniature world. A world I sometimes prefer...
Hi Kim, my name's Kathryn, blog name is Kayjay and I am grateful for my wonderful 9 year old son and I would love to be entered for your draw :-)
ps sorry I had a mishap with my first comment so deleted it.. my excuse is it's almost midnight here and I should be in bed ;)
Hi! My name is Melanye and my blog's name is "less apathy.more cake" I am grateful for my dog, Bebe. She really makes everyday a little more special :)
Good luck everyone! What a fantastic giveaway prize :)
Hi Kim. It's me, Tabitha Corsica (aka Susan). I am thankful for the opportunities I have been given in life. Often, they are things I take for granted until I meet someone who has not been so fortunate. Thank you, Kim, for reminding me to look at how lucky I am today. It is a reflection I need to make more frequently.
Hi Kim!
What a wonderful shabby chic display!! I love how you used the tray to make the sign!! And what a wonderful prize you are giving away!!
My name is Marsha or Sassy Marsha :) My blog is Sassy Mini Dolls
I am grateful for my family, in particular my hubby and my Kodak boy. Life wouldn't be the same without them.
Hi! So nice prize and your blog is so lovely! My name is Lissu. I have many dollhouseblogs, but here is one:
I am grateful for my lovely family <3
Hello Kim ! My name is Soazig and I'm from France. My blog's name is "Les Vents Du Monde". There's nothing original about that but I'm grateful for my five children (I noticed it's something very important we have in common).
Hi Kim, I am Rosanna from "la stanza di".
I am grateful for being alive, for having wonderful, caring people around me and for doing a job which I love.Your hutch is a real beauty. Hugs
Kim~ Such a lovely prize you are giving away! I would love a chance to win. My blog is ~Wish on a Whisker. I am very grateful for my health, my husband, and my kitties. I love my home, too! Thank you for putting my name in the hat! Have a nice weekend! ~Mandy
Hi Kim, I am Casey of Casey's Minis. I am greatful for all of the wonderful friends that Tessie and I have made through blogging. It goes without saying that I am greatful for other friends and family. Your prize is beautiful!
Hello - my name is Claudia and my blog is
I am grateful for all the wonderful friends I have made through blogging; and as the new owner of a dollhouse, for my new mini friends!
I was not online for some time as other activities which had priority. Tonight I had time again to watch your beautiful blog and what do I see, Your giving a beautiful prize, so I am thankful
for having a chance to win. Congratulations Kim with over the 200 followers!
My name is marlies my blog is
Hi Kim, firstly I must say, How could you possibly part with such a BEAUTIFUL piece??? I cannot begin to understand how you make the wonderful cakes etc...fabulous! mane is Linda from "Une Petite Folie"
I am so greatful that my family are all healthy....not too worried about the wealthy and wise....just health!!
Hi Kim, what an awesome thing you are doing. I'm Lindsey :-) I have a couple blogs, and I'm sad to say I haven't updated them in awhile :-( but my main one is I am very grateful to have my home, my job, my health and my family. It's funny how work can stress me out but I have to remember how much good I have. There are so many who have nothing. Hope you have a great day!
Hugs, Lindsey
Oh my goodness what goodies you are giving away! I am really enjoying your blog!
My name is Kathi from Beautiful Mini Blessings. I am so thankful for my precious adult children!
They are the light of my life!
I'm new to miniatures and am looking forward to decorating my doll house like the beach house I have always wanted!
Thanks for offering some of your lovely things! Just looking at them makes me hungry!
Life is a blessing! Every little moment and every little thing!
Oh WOW!!! What a giveaway!!!
My name is Katie....and you can find me over at Katie's Clay Corner!!
And I'm grateful to still be here! Every day above ground is a good one:)!!
Hi! I'm Paloma (one of yours 200 followers... haha) from Spain.
First all ¡¡fabulous prize!!, I like your work....
I'm very grateful for my wonderful family: I'm sure that without them my life wouldnt't be so fortunate.
Oh my! What a great giveaway! Congratulations on your 200 post. Count me in. :) I am Glenda, my blog name is Dab of This and That. What am I grateful for? Many things - good health, family, etc., etc.
Congratulations on 200 followers and wow.....what a generous prize.
I am grateful for all the wonderful and generous people I have met in blogland.
My name is Jayne and my blog is Tallulah - Belle.
Hey, you don't mess around with the giveaways. That one is spectacular.
Well it's me Jen from over at Jemjoop blog.
I'm grateful that my family is fairly healthy and that we have a roof over our heads. This economy is so hard on people at the moment.
Howdy, Kim! Congrats on the 200 (I'm on of them)!
I am eternally grateful for having the time and resources to pursue miniaturing. Crafting has been such a blessing to my life and a creative distraction from a health problem. I'm aware not everyone is fortunate enough to have either the leisure or resources to do minis or another form of craft while wishing that they could. My heart goes out to them.
Mary of "Miz Mary's Minis"
Hi Kim, here's another one of your 200 ardent followers :).
My name is Susan. I have 3 blogs but the one I am working on is My Maharajah's Palace at
I am thankful for the life I have for it brings me a close knit family and firm friends and love, loads of love.
Hi Kim! I always think your work is amazing! What a beautiful prize!
My name is Kim and my blog is
I am the most grateful for my husband- who has helped me through hard times and shared good times.
Hi Kim! WOW!! You are so kind and generous! What a lovely cabinet filled with yummy goodies! Someone is going to be very happy!
I'm grateful for so many things, but one of them is the wonderful friends I've made here in blog world . . . you know who you are!! LOL!! Oh, and I must mention I'm grateful for my new miniature 'Pippi Longstocking' doll . . . she's so darn cute!
Teresa (
Hi Kim
It's gorgeous and I want to try for it :) My name is Lori and my blog was "oh mini of mine" (but is now waiting to be redone) and I am so grateful that I am getting to keep my daughter longer than the doctors expected :D
Hi Kim! I came across your blog and discovered what a "blog" was. It's such a beautiful one too! It inspired me to get back into my miniatures and make my own blog. Nothing on it yet. But, there will be soon! My name is Jonna "rudoo" my blog is Thank you!
Hi Kim. My name is Deana of Delightful Minis. Congratulations on 200 followers.I am thankful for many things -my faith, family and friends. I am especially thankful to have met so many wonderful mini friends since I started blogging.
Hi, Kim. My name is Mei Ling from Mei Ling's Dollhouse & Miniature. I'm grateful for being found my ability on making lovely dollhouse & miniature and meet lot of great artisan from many other countries.
Best wishes,Mei Ling
My name is Sara Mendez, and my blog is Sara's Mini Creations and I'm grateful that my boyfriend is into model trains! We both understand each others' obsession!
Hi Kim. I am Doreen from Doreen's Miniatures and Memoires and I am so thankful that my husband is still with me to enjoy our retirement in our lovely home beside the river. I have waited for retirement for so long and I am loving every minute of it. Especially working on my miniatures.
Good morning Kim!
I'm Susanna and today I am grateful for the fact that it idin't rain as I forgot the laundry out on the line overnight and for haviing to girls that share my passion for minis :D
You can visit me here:
Hi Kim,
I am Eva from Soain (
I am grateful for my health (I had some problems in th past) and for having my dearest (son, husband, parents, brothers...) well.
I am luckly to have a good job so...I can not complain about my life.
Your giveaway is wonderful;-)
Disculpa que no te escriba en Iglés no sé. Pero igual que yo supongo que utilizarás el traductor. soy dora de miniaturasdora. Me encanta tu blog, opino lo mismo sobre si nos entienden en este mundo de las minis. Precioso el premio que ofreces.
Un abrazo Carmen
Morning Kim, just got out of bed and this is the first thing ive done to check your blog and wow what a beautiful give a away!
My name is Kate and you can find us at The Whittakers Miniatures blog.
I am gratfeul for so many things, but I have to say the dedicated and powerful love I share with my wonderful husband John,and our 5beautful children, we would be lost without each other.
Good luck to all, someone is going to be a very lucky lady ( or gent!!)
Have a super weekend
My name is VAnesa, my blog name is
Im grateful for my familly and my fiancee,they light my life.
THank you kim for your creations and this draw.
HUgs from Madrid.
Hi Kim Fabulous give away.
My name is Debbie and my blog is:-
I'm grateful for the love of my wonderful husband and my two beautiful boys and for the wonderful friends I've made in the blogging world..
Good luck to everyone that enters...xx
OMG!! Kim, I do some miniature food myself but I would die for this one! It's so gorgeous! Thank you for that wonderful give away!
So, my name is Stephanie (but I think you know that already :P) and my blog:
I'm grateful to have my boyfriend, which is extremely kind and loving. I'm also very grateful to be able to make miniatures and sell them!
And I'm grateful to know so many wonderful miniature artisans like you :)
I'm grateful to be healthy and to live in Europe, not to have financial problems and also to have some wonderful supporting parents.
I'm actually grateful for my entire being, I have nothing serious to complain about. :)
Hi Kim,Congratulations on 200 followers. Your giveaway is so beautiful.
My name is Jain,my blogspot is giddy kipper dolls and I am grateful for my wonderful family and being able to make the miniatures I do. Good luck everyone! Jain x
My name is Keli, my blog is iseecerulean. I'm grateful for my husband, for the time and effort he's going to put in this week to help me remodel my studio.
I love your work, how nice of you to share with a giveaway. Thank you.
Hi Kim,
Mercedes from Liberty Biberty here.
I'm grateful for all the wonderful friends I have met in the blogosphere. Making minis has never been so much fun!
Your blog is a great inspiration!
Hi Kim! I love your way of displaying miniature cakes and cookies, so sweet :)
My name is Lirael and you can find my blog at
There's not much to find yet, but that's gonna change soon. I've only started blogging this week.
What I'm grateful for is my creativity. It gets me through anything, no matter how hard. I've even met my best friend through making miniatures!
What a lovely idea, Kim! My name is Chris, my blog name is and I am grateful for my lovely husband who is also my best friend.
Hi Kim! My name is Heather, and I'm more than excited to leave you a comment! =)
I'm thankful for so much- God, family, friends, health. And while those things are MOST important, I wanted to share with you two things that are passionately important to me other than the "most important" things.
First, I'm so thankful to be able to earn a living by my craft. Photography is my voice, my outlet, and my living!
Secondly, I'm so thankful that after YEARS of loving miniatures, I stumbled upon your webshots gallery, and learned that I'm not the only adult woman with a dollhouse and a crazy love for small things. That opened up a whole world of inspiration for me, letting me see that there are TONS of folks out there blogging about how they, too, LOVE minis! And, you've been so sweet to help me come in contact with others.
While I'm still working on my mini blog, here's the address for my photography blog:
Thanks, Kim, for being such a sweetie!
Hi Kim! My name is Bobbi and I have an unused blog called
I am grateful for the inspiration that I get daily from bloggers like you, who are generous enough to share their work with everyone.
Best to everyone,
Sorry, Kim, I'm a goof- I put my website address in the above post! Here's my blog:
Hi Kim! What a fantastic giveaway! My name is Katerina and my blog's name is Small Bakery
I am grateful because I am healthy and because all the people that I love are healthy too. Health is the one thing we forget about when we have it and it's the only thing we need when we have lost it..
Hi Kim! Such a lovely prize!
I'm Aino and I'd like to leave a comment from Finland. Me and my mum Maija are writing a blog in, do come for a visit!
I'm grateful for my fantastic family - we all see the beauty in miniatures and sharing the joy makes it at least double. :)
My name is Debra. I look each day to see if you have a new update because I love your things so much! I don't have a blog though.
Sumaiya Mehreen here from The Mini Food Blog! I am thankful for my online friends who share my love for dollhouse minis :)
Hi Kim,
This is Donna and my blog name is Never Enough Time.
I am most grateful for my two children.
What a beautiful display table. i will keep my fingers crossed.
Hi, I'm Melanie and my blog is I love this wonderful bakery set up you did! I am grateful that I can work from home and spend more time with my kids & husband.
Hi Kim-
I am actually grateful for the opportunity you gave me to stop and reflect on how lucky I am already, even if I don't win your beautiful prize! Thank you :)
I am inspired by your talented work, but I really admire your generous spirit.
Keep up your great work!!
Hi Kim! I am Cindy from 'Cindy's Miniatures'. I love reading your blog and seeing your lovely projects. Thank you for sharing them!
I am grateful for for so much, but today is such a beautiful, sunny day that makes me feel so happy! So that is my choice for today!
Congrats on your 200 followers! I recently came across your blog and find the beauty and accuracy of your work stunning! Good luck to all of us hoping to win this beautiful prize!!
My (out of date) blog is moondrive and my name is Kathi. I am grateful for my home and family...I am very blessed indeed!
Hi Kim! :) I follow your photos here and on flickr and it's heaven to see such warmth in gorgeous miniatures.
My name is Kim also and my blog's name is "Fairchildart Dollhouse Miniatures" and I'm grateful for having such warm hearted and supportive friends, family members and boyfriend for being my biggest cheerers for my passion.
Hi, I'm Teg and I'm grateful for my adorable boyfriend.
My blog is sunnysideupawesome :)
Hi Kim! My name is Carla, my blog is This Crazy Life ( I am grateful for #2 son's safe return from Afghanistan and pray for the contiuned safety of #3 son who is Iraq for several more months. Thanks for all you share!
Hello Kim,
what a lovely idea !
I'm grateful for my wonderful family and my lovely pets and for all the friends I've made in blogland and just for life in general really, I love every minute !
julie from bellabelle's blog :0)
Hi Kim,
I'm Sonya from Rome (Italy).
I every day follow your blog because I like your style.It is very near to my life.I make miniatures and I'm working to open my own blog.I have a little girl, Vanessa 9 years old, and we make and collect miniatures togheter.
So many compliments for your works!
Best Regands from Sunny Italy
Hi I'm Tara from Hawaii.
My blog is Dollhouse at Pooh Corner.
I love your blog.
I'm greatful for the way people constantly help one another every day. They smile at you when you are sad, listening to you when you are upset, help you when you are hurt and protect you when you need protecting.
I'm greatful that I can give help and I'm greatful to recieve it.
I can think of so many people who help every day who are working to make this world a better place, it's incredible.
Okay, that is all.
Much love,
Thanks for the cool blog!
As always your work is beautiful.
I'm grateful every day for my husband and sons, my two Bostons, Rosie and Gracie, and this wonderful mini hobby that lets me escape the trials and tribulations of adult life and be a child again on a daily basis.
Keep inspiring all of us with your creativity and talents.
Mandy Wayman
Hi Kim, My name is Hanna and my blog is miniature chef
I am grateful to have the oportunity to make miniatures, a wonderful hobby! I am also very grateful to have such a nice family, friends and to have find so many talented people in the blogland!
This was a great idea and the display is stunning. Thans for your inspiring blog!
Hugs, Hanna
Hi Kim! What a lovely lovely prize!
My name is Hanna and my blog is Hanna & Leijona (means Hanna and the lion). I'm most grateful for my wonderful daughter Aava, who is almost 6 now. Another thing I'm really grateful for is miniatures. It's a miracle to find such an amazing thing in life. So good for me.
I love your blog, your cakes and style is just fabulous. Have a fun day!
Hi,Kim...what a wonderful giveaway!
My name is Sabiha and my blogname is sabs mini interiors.Last augustI broke my back and I'm getting well now,I'm grateful that I can walk again,and take care for my kids!!!
Good luck everyone!
Hi Kim! It's Jill from Little Nest Studio :)
I am grateful for so many things right now! Hmmmm...narrow it done, eh? I'm grateful for my blog friends!
Love those minis you made! Recieving anything created by you would be a dream come true!
Hi Kim,
This is Ozce from ıstanbul, I must say that you're the best miniature arutist I have ever met. I got hungry when I saw your bakery and kitchen miniatures. Thanks that you share your great work with us in your web site. That inspires me a lot. I2ve started working on miniatures 2 weeks ago but I'm getting better day by day following you:)
best regards
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